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Safeguarding Adults Review

The Care Act 2014 requires The Royal Borough of Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board (GSAB) to arrange for a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) to be held in the circumstances set out in Section 44.

The overriding aim of a SAR is to promote effective learning to prevent future deaths or serious harm from taking place. Within this there are three purposes the SAR must fulfil:

  • To establish whether there are lessons to be learned from the case about the way in which the GSAB, its members and other persons with relevant functions, professionals and agencies work together to safeguard adults with needs for care and support.
  • To establish what those lessons are, how they will be acted upon and what is expected to change as a result.
  • To improve inter-agency working and better safeguarding of adults at risk including the review of procedures where there may have been failures.

SARs are not inquiries into the cause of death or injury. Nor are they inquiries into who is responsible for the death or injury. Where those inquiries are required, they are undertaken by the Coroner or the police or other relevant agency.

If there are issues of performance and/or discipline which needs to be addressed arising from the review case then these must be dealt with within each agency’s usual procedures.

From 2015/16 onwards, in line with the Care Act 2014, the SAR has replaced the previous Serious Case Review procedures in The Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Royal Borough of Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Review Policy Procedure

Safeguarding Adults Review: leaflet for family members SAR leaflet for families